

As the reigning DACH-Champion in Streetlifting / (Weighted) Calisthenics, I have been working on my athletic challenges with continuity and discipline for many years.

One of the most important things I have learned from it is that the best training plan is the one that you can follow for a long time with fun.


As the reigning DACH-Champion in Streetlifting / (Weighted) Calisthenics, I have been working on my athletic challenges with continuity and discipline for many years.

One of the most important things I have learned from this is that the best training plan is the one that you can follow for a long time with fun.


I've been doing sports many years. As a kid, I tried almost every type of sport and as a teenager I discovered strength training.

Although I always was quite happy with my body and how it looked – something was missing: the charm and the fun of training. The monotonous gym training became more and more boring. I wanted more than a toned body. I wanted new challenges. I wanted to learn something new. I wanted to improve my performance, to not only get better in other sports but also to prove: Women can be strong and athletic!

Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz

I started to implement elements of 'Functional Fitness' as an addition to my bodybuilding training. Especially skills like Handstand, Pistol Squats and a Middle Split caught my attention. When COVID started 3 years ago, I needed to find an alternative for my gym training which is how Calisthenics fully caught my attention.

Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching


…learning, how to control your body and adding skill training into your workouts. Calisthenics makes you very flexible, when it comes to training because you can train with your bodyweight and little to no equipment anywhere you like.

Finally, I was able to find new challenges in training which increased fun and consistency a lot. To learn even more, I got myself a coach 2 years ago. He pushed me to a whole new level and introduced me to the competitive sport of Weighted Calisthenics/Streetlifting.

In this sub-category of the Calisthenics sport, the goal is to perform the four basic excercises (Ring) Muscle Up, Pull Up, Dip and Squat with additional weight.

I compete mostly in 1RM competitions, which is inspired by Powerlifting. The goal is to perform one repetition in each lift with the maximum weight you can move.

The German Champion Title in 2022,

DACH Champion in 2023 and 3rd place in the world cup 2022 are my biggest achievements so far and I'm highly motivated to reach further goals in the sports!

My own journey motivated me even more, to show especially women, that it is possible to get fitter and achieve your goals with fun and structure – no matter what the circumstances are. You will not only reach your ideal physique but also level up the performance of your body!

Let me show you, how to enjoy your training, how to learn first skills that not only look impressive on social media but can be helpful in everyday life.

You are do much more than you think! So let's start your own journey and prove to yourself what you are capable of!

Your Coach, Nadine

Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching

Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching
Nadine Schulz - Muscle UP Coaching


Funfacts about myself

I love to eat – hopefully you'll never get to see me 'hangry' ;-).

As a teenager I was the biggest football and FC Bayern fan. I even wrote my thesis in school about the FC Bayern.

A few years ago, I loved to go to parties and wouldn't miss one. Nowadays I prefer to spend a chill evening on my couch.

Boring Facts About ME

Management and Technology Studies at the TU Munich (Major in Computer Science)

2 years working in Key Account Management and Marketing for a global company

At 14 years old teen I started my first trainer job in Handball.

I know the feeling of motivating yourself to train after 10-12 hours of work at a desk job.

I started my first job as a trainer at the age of 14. Since 2021 I work full-time as a Personal Trainer.


Fundamentals (Academy for Sports und Health)

• Personal Trainer Licence

• Nutritionist Licence

• Vegan & Vegetarian Nutritionist Licence

• Fitness Trainer A-Licence

• Medical Fitness Trainer Licence

Educations with specialization

• Certified Functional Trainer Level 1 +2 (Perform Better Institute)

• Calisthenics Coaching Competence Certificate (King of Weighted GmbH)


Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz

4th Place Worldchampionship 2023 -63kg
(Final Rep Worlds - Streetlifting)

Athlete - Ninja Warrior Germany 2023 
(4th Pre-Round Show)

1th Place DACH Championship -63kg
(Final Rep - Streetlifting)

3rd Place Worldchampionship 2022 -70kg
(Final Rep Worlds - Streetlifting) 

1th Place German Championship 2022 -64kg
(DSCV - Streetlifting)

2nd Place DACH Championship 2022 +60kg
(Final Rep - Streetlifting) 

Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz
Nadine Schulz

Take your life to the next level together with me as your coach!


Take your life to the next level together with me as your coach!


Take your life to the next level together with me as your coach! 


KNOWN From...

BPT - Bundesverband Personal Training
BPT - Bundesverband Personal Training
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